Game tools

Game credits

Future Invaders was created by Éric Bisceglia.

All the game's mechanics, rules, backstory, and some card designs were initially outlined in a game design document, which can be accessed here.

Thanks to Florian for figuring out how to make multiplayer games work smoothly, and to Quentin for his patience when listening to my game design rants. I also want to thank those who helped improve the game in its early stages with their insightful suggestions: Samira, Ash, Kaci, Prince, Jen, Simon, and all other playtesters for their valuable feedback.

Icon credits

All of the symbols and icons used on the cards are from

They are made by Lorc, Delapouite, and other contributors, and are licenced under a CCBY licence.

Art credits

All of the game's current artworks were generated using Microsoft Image Creator.

These artworks are temporary and will be replaced by hand-drawn illustrations in the future once the game is funded or published.