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Game formats

Future Invaders can be played in a variety of ways, each of which is known as a format. Below is a list of "official" formats. They are just suggestions, feel free to create your own unique formats and share them with the community!


The default game format, as described in the official rules.

Players enter the game with prebuilt arsenals and battle until only one player's base remains standing.

Click here for a list of prebuilt arsenals for Prepared games.


Requiring four players, this format splits players into two alliances of two, who face each other.

Using Prepared arsenals, both players in an alliance defend a common base with 60 durability at the start of the game, and can only attack the player in front of them.

Teamwork is key: when the game intensifies, you may need to use your actions and reactions to protect your ally’s grid instead of your own.

This format can be extended to any even number of players, split into two alliances. For each additional pair of players added to the Rivals, add 30 durability to each common base.


A regular Prepared game, except only cards of standard rarity are allowed.

Without Renowned and Pinnacle cards, you must assemble arsenals that do not rely on capital ships or massive, game-changing actions.


An alternative way to play Prepared games, with modified arsenal-building rules to make them more complex:
- The minimum number of cards per arsenal is raised to 50.
- There can be no more than one copy of any unique card in an arsenal.


In this format, players build their own arsenals from a shared pool of cards, then battle to see who the best architect is.

Architect draft rules:

1. Shuffle the common pool of cards. Pass the top 10 cards face down to the player on your right.

2. This player looks at the 10 cards they've received, selects one to add to a personal pile, and passes the remaining cards face down to their right.

3. Repeat step 2 until all 10 cards have been distributed.

4. Start a new round by passing a fresh set of 10 cards to the next player on the right of the first one.

5. Continue these steps until each player has a pile of 40 cards or all cards have been distributed.

6. Each player then builds an arsenal of 30 or more cards from their personal pile, respecting arsenal building rules.

7. Once all arsenals are ready, play a regular game of Future Invaders. May the best architect win!

Architect arsenal building rules:
- Your arsenal must have at least 30 cards
- You can mix cards from any number of different factions
- Include no more than two copies of any single card
- Include no more than one copy copy of any single rare card (labeled "renowned" or "pinnacle")
- Ensure your arsenal contains at least one card playable on the first turn (a ship or structure with no cost and some income)
- If you can't build a valid arsenal following these rules, inform other players and try to trade cards in the spirit of fair play

Architecturing tips:
- Include enough free cards (no cost) to avoid a poor or unplayable early game
- Focusing on one or two factions tends to work better than including a bit of everything
- If your arsenal spans more than two factions, prioritize drafting neutral cards that can convert one faction's resources to another
- Expensive cards and capital ships are only effective if you have enough resource-generating cards to support them
- Architect games tend to be slower with lower power levels compared to preassembled arsenals, making long-term effects (such as recurring damage) particularly valuable
- During the draft, when a pack of cards returns to you, try to remember the missing cards to adjust your strategy based on your opponents' choices

Click here for a list of prebuilt arsenals for Architect games.


A two-player version of the standard draft can be played with slightly adjusted rules. After shuffling the common pack of cards, the top three cards are given to one player face down. The player looks at the three cards, chooses one, and passes the remaining two face down to the other player. The second player selects one of those cards, and the last remaining card is set aside. Continue distributing cards three at a time, alternating which player picks first, until both players have 40 cards each. Each player then builds an arsenal and uses it to play a game.


In this twist on the Architect format, each player drafts cards for the player to their right instead of themselves. The objective is to draft the worst possible collection of cards, making it a challenge for your neighbor to build a viable arsenal.


This format uses a prepared common pool of cards, similar to the Architect format. However, instead of drafting cards, all players use the pool as a shared arsenal. Players draw from the common pile, and any used or scrapped cards are returned to the bottom of the common arsenal pile.