Game tools

Source code

Future Invaders' website is open source.

You can find its source code on GitHub, by clicking here.

The source code is licensed under the MIT license, which allows you to reuse parts or all of the source code in your own projects without needing to ask for permission, as long as you credit the original author.

Only the inner workings of the website are open source. The game itself is protected by copyright. The public repository contains no cards and no artworks. Only the website itself is open sourced, for transparency, and to satisfy the curiosity of people trying to learn how websites are made.

Tech stack

Future Invaders' website is built around a handmade custom framework initially designed for If you are looking for a better understanding of its inner workings, read NoBleme - Behind the scenes.

Future Invaders' website uses the following technologies, as is (no third party libraries or frameworks):