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A ruling is an official clarification on the way an ambiguous rule or card text should be interpreted.

Recovering from negative base durability through a card's effect
Ruling issued on November 19th 2024

My base has 1 durability remaining. I control the Organic structure Flesh Mender, which restores durability to my base whenever one of my ships is destroyed. My opponent attacks with a Missile Cruiser, which has the Bombard keyword, reducing my base's durability when it attacks a ship with no structure behind it. The Missile Cruiser destroys one of my ships and bombards my base simultaneously. Do I lose the game, or does my Flesh Mender save me?

In Future Invaders, effects are resolved one at a time, in the order they are triggered, rather than using "state-based" logic. The Missile Cruiser's bombardment reduces your base's durability below 0, destroying it. The Flesh Mender's effect would trigger afterward, but too late to save your base. You lose the game.

Linked cards

This ruling applies to the following cards.

Flesh Mender