Game tools
Living asteroid

Living Asteroid

Beta release


Slow (does not attack on the turn it is deployed)

Regenerate 3 (at the beginning of each of your turns, this ship regains 3 durability)

When you deploy this ship, all other Organic ships lose 5 durability

Action Pay [O][O][O][O][O] and destroy this ship, then all bases lose 8 durability each

Arsenals containing this card

Swarm Organic
Take control of the board with a swarm of cheap, efficient ships and defeat your opponents before they have a chance to react.

Capital Omni
This large arsenal features the most powerful ships from each faction, but acquiring enough resources to deploy them will be a challenge.

Architect 150
A tailored selection of 150 cards used for arsenal drafting.

Architect 300
A tailored selection of 300 cards used for arsenal drafting.

Card tags

Card tags are used to categorize cards with similar characteristics.
Their only role is to make it easier to find specific cards.
Tags have no impact on gameplay.

This card has an immediate drawback as an extra cost to deploying or using it.

This card can use actions once deployed.

This card can directly damage bases.

This card can allow you to remove ships from play.

This card has the Regenerate keyword: it regains durability at the beginning of each turn.

This card has the Slow keyword: it does not attack on the turn it is deployed.

Something happens when this card is deployed.

Rulings applying to this card

Rulings are official clarifications on the way ambiguous rules or card texts should be interpreted.

Choosing to ignore a reaction
Ruling issued on November 22nd 2024

I deploy the Pirate ship Mecha Suit, which has a reaction that causes a durability loss to another ship when it is deployed. My opponents currently have no ships in play. Am I forced to cause a durability loss to one of my own ships?

No. Since this effect is a reaction, you can choose whether or not to activate it.

When is the beginning of my turn
Ruling issued on November 21th 2024

The Terran structure Orbital Cannon states that it triggers an effect at the beginning of each of my turns. When exactly is that?

According to the rules, you start your turn by resetting your resources then drawing a card. Effects that occur at the beginning of your turn, such as the Orbital Cannon's, must be resolved at the very start of your turn, before resetting your resources.

Additional costs as part of a failed action
Ruling issued on November 19th 2024

I have a Trading Station in play, which has an action allowing me to place a card at the bottom of my arsenal in exchange for a resource. I activate this action, but an opponent uses a reaction, causing its action to fail. Do I still need to place the card at the bottom of my arsenal?

No. If the action fails, none of its effects occur. You keep the card in your hand.

Drawing the game by destroying all bases simultaneously
Ruling issued on November 19th 2024

The action of the Organic ship Living Asteroid is triggered, causing all bases to lose durability. As a result, both remaining players' bases drop below 0 durability. Does this result in a draw?

Both bases are at 0 durability or below and are destroyed simultaneously. The game ends in a draw.

Resources spent on a failed action or reaction by a deployed card
Ruling issued on November 19th 2024

I have the Terran structure Overseer Station in play. I activate its second action, which requires me to spend resources and destroy the Overseer Station in order to deploy a ship. An opponent uses a reaction, causing the Overseer Station's action to fail. Do I have to spend the resources?

As stated in the rules, when an action or reaction fails, the player who activated it loses the resources spent on it. The Overseer Station's action fails, and you do lose the resources spent. However, you do not have to destroy the Overseer Station, as the only part of a failed action which occurs is the loss of resources.

Forgetting to do something until it is too late
Ruling issued on November 17th 2024

A player forgot they have a ship with Regeneration, which regains durability at the beginning of each of their turns. Later during their turn, they remember their ship could regenerate. Is it too late to regenerate the ship?

It is the player's responsibility to keep track of their card's effects. In the spirit of fair play, if all opponents agree to allow the player to regenerate the ship, they may do so. However, if even one opponent objects, it is considered too late, and the ship will not regenerate this turn.